Como ser intelixente con golpes de azar

Coa chegada dos avances tecnolóxicos, a xente pode atopar formas de como facer as cousas de forma diferente. O problema é que algunhas destas cousas fan máis mal que ben.

Un dos maiores problemas traídos pola tecnoloxía nos días de hoxe son os scams. This is because with high-tech gadgets, most scammers can easily identify the information that they need so as to get hold… Continue reading

Xogando O Roulette

Roulette é un xogo xogado por 1-7 individuos. As apostas son feitas por chip de posicionamento nun determinado número que quere gañar. Estas fichas son só para ruleta e non se pode usar para calquera outro xogo. Each player have a different color of chips, in order for the dealer to recognize who the chip belongs to, making it easier for… Continue reading

Guía Online Gambling

When gambling online, select the casino site carefully to avoid being scammed. Review the site wisely. Don’t just give your credit card number to the first site you find in the net. Take the time to ask yourself these questions:

*Is the site authentic? Look if it is government licensed. If not, go locate another site.

*Does the site have a twenty four… Continue reading

Como deixar a Casino cunha fortuna

Every game in the casino entices players with promises of riches beyond the imagination, but most of these games the chances of getting those riches are so astronomically against you it is better to avoid the ones that deal with luck. Games like slot machines, keno and even craps, which has the best odds for the player in the entire casino is all about luck… Continue reading